Sunday, May 18, 2014

Will taking the road less traveled, can take me there? ... Life's calling

I have this pic saved in ma blackberry from quite a few days... I look at it wonder and move to others.. finally it has caught up my attention and thoughts so much that I'm here with this pic..! this pic and then I heard of this line "it sounds like life is calling you to do something BIG and you haven’t picked up the phone.” " Really? I wanna write more about all the things that I personally needed to know , the things that catch up my curiosity and know wot, the more I write the more I learn and discover, life and myself and our connections with this universe.
I will stop writing the day I'll discover who I am and whats the purpose of my existence, or may be I'll continue writing even then, about the journey of ma life with a "before and after" comparison ;)
I have been listening a lot lately.. advises , orders, my  odds, life's odds... ! In life, people will try to convince you that what you feel in your heart is not what you should apply in your life and that to dream is to be naive. That you should look for safety and stability, always behaving and doing what everyone else is doing BUT it’s so important to stop for a little while, take  a few steps back and ask yourself: “What do I want? How do I want my life to unfold?”
I think why not try a change? If I'm feeling I'm being called to do something new, something different; if I'm hearing ma heart's calling me, begging me to do things I have never done before and explore worlds I have never explored before, this is the time to do it! actually why not?
After all, my heart, my soul, my intuition, my inner GPS… they are a lot wiser than I think and they know things that my mind does not. I wanna dare to trust their wisdom. Dare to take the road less traveled because that’s how I think I can find my purpose and calling in life. Taking the road less traveled will take me there. :)
Now I wanna learn to listen to my own inner voice, to do what I myself feel in my heart is right for me and not what the majority thinks I should do. I'm almost going to be 30, spent 30 years on this planet and if I'll keep following the crowd I guess I can go no further than the crowd.
Let's just don’t be afraid to let go off familiar places and familiar faces to explore new lands. Don’t be afraid to take the path less traveled and do things that nobody else dared to do before.
Lets find the courage to take risks. To get out of comfort zone and go the opposite direction from where everyone else is going. Simply because my heart is asking me too.
Awesome feeling to start with.. Lets start living Adi ! muwahhhh :*

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